VR ft. STARCHILD – The way you…(Hey, girl)

VR ft. STARCHILD – The way you…(Hey, girl)
Music: Starchild, VR Lirycs: Starchild, VR Production: Starchild Production Video by Claudiu Stan (MVP Entertainment)
VR ft. STARCHILD – Hey, tu

Muzica: Starchild, VR
Text: Starchild, VR
Productie: Starchild Production
Video by Claudiu Stan (MVP Entertainment)
Gipsy Casual feat Starchild – Let me go

DOWNLOAD AUDIO DOWNLOAD VIDEO Muzica: Alexandru Serbu, Emanuela Oancea, Starchild Text: Emanuela Oancea Mix/Master: Alexandru Truta Produs in studioul Rolla7 Production
Allexinno & Starchild – Baila Macarena (video)

DOWNLOAD video Management & Booking: Marius China | 0723.315.180 Music and lyrics: Allexinno, Starchild Publishing: S.C. Sprint Media Publishing S.R.L Label: Sprint Music brand registred at O.S.I.M, property of S.C Sprint Media Center S.R.L SC Sprint Media Center SRL it’s a member U.P.F.R and O.R.D.A All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable […]